Amoluk is a 100 year old firm.
firm used to be involved in the field of insurance and consultancy
services from its inception. In 1911, Bhaichand Amoluk were
appointed as principal agents for Commercial Union for the western
zone of India upto 1954 when the insurance sector was nationalized
and the private insurance companies were merged into the 4 existing
public sector insurance companies.
From 1954 onwards upto 1972, Bhaichand Amoluk worked as a principal
agent to National Insurance Company for the various clients of the
insurance company. In 1972, Bhaichand Amoluk expanded into the
reinsurance broking activities working for large Indian risks
through Indian insurance companies and their insurance placements
It was at this time that the firm decided to diversify it’s
activities into the manufacturing sector as well and opened a
subsidiary company by the name Chemspec Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., which
was involved in the manufacturing of specialty chemicals.